10 Months

Today wraps up the end of Kailey’s 10 months. This month has been full of fun milestones. She is pointing at things, waving a ton, and her little sweet personality is really blossoming.  She is becoming more and more playful and just like her sister has a cute little wiggle dance. Malorie and Kailey love each other so much, it makes my heart melt.


One of the most exciting milestones is that Kailey is WALKING! That’s right. WALKING. She began a few weeks ago taking one or two steps every day. She now takes 9 + steps at a time. She is still very wabbly and unsteady at times, but she continues to try all the time. She will use anything to help her get around….objects, people, the wall, furniture and so on. So stinking Cute!


This past Saturday I captured her  walking…FINALLY, and at this point she took the most steps she has taken in a row. We were having a family birthday celebration. My voice in the background is quite obnoxious, what can I say I am a super excited mommy.

Enjoy the cuteness. (Nate says she looks like a bull dog walking….in a cute way)