4 Months Old!


  I keep on saying this, and I will probably continue to say it… Malorie is growing so much. Not only in size, but also in what she is able to do. She is grasping at things, and loves to reach for things and hold her toys. She loves to stand up, with help of course. She isn’t rolling over yet, but is getting so close. Her neck is strong and she holds her head up with no problem. She is even starting to laugh….which is just about the cutest thing ever!

[youtube C5WcbeaYgHw 580]

We have recently started her on Rice Cereal. She seems to enjoy it so far. It has helped some in getting her to sleep longer during the night, instead of waking every 2-3 hours to nurse. A few weeks before she started daycare she was sleeping through the night. Then that regressed and now I don’t think she is getting enough milk through the day to hold her over during the night. I cannot wait until she gives me 5-6 hours of sleep straight.

On a side note, we are slowly but surely working on our house to put it up for sale. Not an easy task, mainly due to the lack of motivation and having a baby to watch. I cannot wait till this is all over with … and the house is sold. Then we will finally be able to move on, and leave this chapter behind. I don’t want to complain to much, but work has also been a bit overwhelming. I wouldn’t mind it so much if were weren’t understaffed and I wasn’t doing the work of 2-3 caseworkers. It makes for a stressful week…every week. To the point where I dread the next work day and almost get anxiety if I think about all I have to get done at work and the time I don’t have to do it. Being a working mom is a hard task.