5 and 6 Months

Once again, I have not kept up to date with this whole blog thing. Uhg! I feel like a lot has happened (regarding Malorie) since 2 months have past.

5 Month old highlights:

– sitting up on her own, with pillows or boppy around her happened sometime in August.

– First Teeth! This happened on August 31st, when we noticed her two front bottom teeth came through.

– Visited Mimi and Papa in NC, along with my sister Carrie and my niece Elisa. Malorie loved spending time with the family. She got her own jumparoo and loves it! She also had fun in the pool.

– September 4th, Malorie got to try her first veggie, Green Beans, and HATED IT! Hilarious video to come that truly captures her dislike for them. (as the week went on eating green beans she actually ate them without horrible facial reactions or gagging.)


6 months

– tooth number 3 came in, next to the bottom two.

– not crawling, but wanting to go go go

– her personality is showing more each day. Showing off her “wiggle” dance not just for mommy and daddy but now doing it for others…when she is happy. (hope to get a video of this soon!)

– eating squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas. and loving it!