October Festivities

The month of October has had its up and downs. October 1st we celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary. Of course having a new born, we didn’t do much celebrating. I will say it was nice to be at home as a family of four, plus Nate’ parents.

October –   was spent in the hospital with Kailey.  Not even a week old, this was a scary time for us. The worst part was in the ER when they had to take spinal fluid, urine sample via catheter, taking blood and putting in a IV. Knowing that my baby had to go through all of that pain was heart wrenching along with the unknown of what was causing her fever. We had a three day stay at the hospital. On day three we got the results back of one test saying it was enterovirus. Thank you Lord nothing serious!

We are fortunate to have wonderful parents who helped out. My parents took care of Malorie at our home and when they left Nate’s mom came to help for a few days.

We had a few uneventful weeks, which was nice…adjusting to being a family of four.

The last weekend of October we spent at my sister’s in VA. My parents came up from NC along with my Aunt and Uncle who were visiting my parents from California. It was nice to spend time with family and for my sister, brother in law and niece to meet Kailey.

We also went to the apple orchard. Malorie had a fun time in the hay maze.

Halloween day we drove back to PA just in time for Kailey’s 1 month appointment. She was healthy and gaining weight. That evening we took Malorie for the first time trick or treating at a neighborhood close by that my co-worker lives at. Malorie thoroughly enjoyed this. She really just wanted to get into peoples houses and follow the dogs around that were being walked.