first beach trip

Wrapping up our posts/ gallaries about our time in North Carolina (As per my usual… this post is about 2 months overdue)…

Our last day in NC we spent our day at the Atlantic Aquarium and Atlantic Beach. The beach is roughly 1 1/2 hour drive from my parents house. A nice day trip compared to the 2 + hours if we were to drive from PA. I was very excited for our first family beach trip. I love the beach and grew up going to the beach in the summer. Nate does not quite share this fond love of the hot sun.  The weather was overcast and really windy. I could have done with less wind but it was great weather for us and Nate didn’t die from the sun.

We spent the morning at the aquarium. It was a hit. Both girls loved looking at the fish. Malorie called many of the fish Nemo. She LOVED the turtles and even tried to touch the horseshoe crab. (pics of the aquarium to come)

After the aquarium we went to a local pizza joint on our way to the beach. The pizza was great. I really was expecting sub par food… but I was pleasantly surprised. Malorie could not stop talking about going to the beach.

This was both Malorie’s and Kailey’s 1st beach trip….yay!!!! As we walked from our car onto the beach we were so excited to show Malorie the water and sand. As soon as she felt the sand between her cute little toes she wanted to immediately plop down and start playing. She hadn’t even seen the water at this point. As suspected, the beach was a hit!


Malorie was hesitant of the water. She would have played in the sand all day if we let her. She got to experience the water, sand, sea shells…  and every day since she says we are going to the beach tomorrow. Oh my dear little girl I only wish. I look forward to our beach trips in the future when both girls can run around and play in the sand.


for more beach photos go to