Adventures of Potty Land

Disclaimer: this is a long blog all about pee and poop. Im sure way to long for this topic…. What can I say new parenting endever and we are two proud parents!

Over the past several months we have been talking to Malorie about going pee pee and poopy in the potty. We would tell her yay for poopys in her diaper that we liked poopy. You name it we said it. I have never talked poop and pee so much in my life.

About one month ago we began a potty chart to give Malorie more incentive to want to try. We decided that she would get a sticker every time she sat on the potty to “try”. Our main goal was to get her to sit down for more than a second. She got the hang of sitting on the potty, reading books on the potty, playing games or watching shows on our phones while sitting on the potty.

The picture above says week one but this was more like a month of practicing sitting on the potty. I was quickly getting discouraged that even in sitting and practicing NOT ONCE did she also happen to pee on the potty. Nate and I decided that we needed to step up our potty training. Malorie obviously didn’t care if her diaper or pull-up was wet or poopy. So we bought some training underwear (thicker in the crotch area to absorbe more pee), made sure we had plenty of stickers and potty beans (m&ms) on hand. We also started a new potty chart.


I should mention at this point that we also told her that if she pooped in the potty then she would get a Woody doll. Malorie LOVES Toy Story. She plays with her cousins Buzz and her Grandma recently got her Jessie doll. She started talking about wanting Woody….so we made a deal. Yes a pretty big gift for going one time on the potty…but we desperately wanted her to do anything on the potty and wanted to keep her interested and motivated.

Sunday: introduced the underwear. We had several accidents but it was a start.

Day One Monday: She started off the morning with once accident/ success. She said she needed to go to the potty but was a little too late, we got about two drops of pee in the potty and I was okay with that, she got a sticker for her chart and one special potty bean. We then had once accident later in the morning. But then … Success after nap!!! I was nursing Kailey and Malorie had just finished her afternoon snack. She said she needed to go to the potty and I said go ahead…(i wasn’t able to help her at this point). She goes to her potty chair and I am in sight of her. Kailey gets down and crawls into the bathroom. Malorie says to Kailey, “hear that Kailey” “hear that poopy…hear that peepee” I come closer and sure enough I could hear it too! AHHH Potty Dance time… scream at the top of your lungs “im so proud of you Malorie”. Malorie was beaming. We dumped our pees in the big potty, she flushed, washed hands, sticker on the chart and TWO potty beans, call daddy, call Mimi! Hooray for Malorie!

Day Two Tuesday: Started off late in the morning, after breakfast…sat on the potty and success! Did our whole routine…hooray! Second try of the day…she tells me she is going to the potty and “you stay here” So I say okay and am thinking whatever she will be back in a second. Then I hear her yelling for me, I go back to the bathroom and yes, success! Only one accident for the day. No poop for today.

Day Three Wednesday: First try of the day, She did it! A few times trying in between…. this girl has an amazing bladder or doesn’t drink enough. Put a diaper on her during our outing (which included secretly buying Woody from target so we would have it ready for whenever she pooped in the potty) By accident Malorie took a nap without a diaper, but stayed dry and peed after her nap…yay. More trying …. After dinner tried again….I can see her straining a little …I look at Nate and say quietly she is pooping!!!! I come over to her she seems a little upset but tells me her eye hurts …not her butt, okay. Then she says all done and stands up. We see the evidence of her efforts….yay! A total freak out hooray moment and she got her Woody doll!!!!


While playing with Woody she had one accident. Just was too excited over her new toy.

This is Malorie watching Toy Story as she is holder her Woody and Jessie.

And…. to top the night off…. Malorie had been in bed for at least 30 minuts. She gets out of bed and I tell her to get back in bed. She tells me that she needs to go potty. I say ok (really thinking this is a stalling tactic) and then we hear her pee! I get Nate so we can do a qiuet celebration with her and put her back in bed.

Nate and I are so proud of her tonight.  We aren’t ready to tackle the whole sleeping and potty training yet so she is wearing a slip on diaper or a pull-up for naps or bed time. She could have easily just gone in her diaper but chose to get out of bed.

So happy for our big girl! Hoping that her success in potty training continues and we don’t have any big set backs.

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