Ambitions for 2014 – living intentionally

I have never been a fan of jumping on the band wagon of new years resolutions.  2013 flew by me way to fast. I have some goals set in my mind, but nothing that I had ever written down. Needless to say I managed to not meet a single goal of mine.   I am the queen of doing things last minute and running late. I have so many ideas of things I want to do (usually inspired by Pinterest) and they either get half done or not done at all. I feel that I am sometimes in a perpetual state of disappointing myself…. often feeling like I am not being the best mother, wife or friend that I can be.  I don’t want 2014 to fly by and wonder what I did, what our family did.  I want more for myself and my family.

Being a parent is HARD, and being a full time (often 40+ hours per week) working parents is seriously hard.  I try not to compare by I feel like so many people are doing the work and parent thing so much better.  (This is not intended to be a woe is me post, just me being honest). Nate and my schedule rarely coincides. We are lucky to get one family day a week.  I find that I am stressed… running late… and sometimes so angry and frustrated unfortunately at my children who don’t cooperate to get ready to where we need to go because I have an unrealistic expatiation of how long it will take to get ready and out the door… tantrums and all.. and I perpetuate that by running behind myself.  I am grateful for where we are today, both fully employed.  The past few years have been a doozy for job situations… and so on.

I want to “run” my life (with Jesus and my husband of course) and not have my life run me. If I have no goals and no accountability then I won’t accomplish any thing.  So here are some goals for myself and my family for 2014.

Family goals .

1. Less junk more Jesus  (This refers to our physical and spiritual wellbeing.)

–  Wholesome eating, meal planning, juicing, getting active, attending church more frequently, becoming members of our church and connecting to our church community.

2. Pray together and memorizing scripture.

3. Spend more time working with our girls to help them identify their letters, numbers, and for Malorie to write her full name.

Personal goals.

1. Work out, eat healthier, do a 3 day juice fast, do a week juice fast.

2. Read the Bible

3. Make friends. We have been living our home for 9 months and in this area for two years.. so I have no excuse. But I need girlfriends in my life…. that live close to me. Couple friends, and friends with kids.  Not to sound desperate or anything… but it is true.  I need fellowship.  I also need to stay in contact with old friends.

4. Blog in order to capture our memories and milestones. A minimum of twice a month.

5. Finish Malorie’s first year scrap book, Start and finish Kailey’s first year scrap book.

6. Organize our things better and simplify.

7. Take more pictures of our family.