Don’t be a creeper!

This week Nate, Malorie, my mother-in-law, and I went to check out the new hhgregg store. As we entered into the appliances, specifically cook tops, we were greeted by a sales lady. She was probably in her 50s. Well she asks if we need help and we say no, we are just checking out the store. Then she looks at Malorie and comments on what a cute baby she is. Thanks! She is a cute baby. But then…. she continues to look at her, then look at us. She says “I will give you a free cooktop for your baby”. CREEPER!!! She continues to hover over Malorie. Nate says under his breath “creepy” and we quickly move on to the washer and dryers.

Now I realize she was just admiring our beautiful baby, and she also informed us that her “baby” was now 25 and she misses the baby age. But seriously, you sound creepy and crazy when you say stuff like that.

Now that we are parents our protectiveness and concern for safety is at its fullest. Anyone or anything that is threatening the safety and well-being of our child better watch out…or you will be DROP KICKED IN THE FACE!!!

on that note…here is another cute picture of Malorie: