Fall Fun and the Farm Show.

Back in September my work had a fall family event for our foster families and staff. We brought the girls to it for a free meal, painting a pumpkin, and a little ride. There were more activities but by the time we got there we didn’t have much time and it was getting dark.

Here are some blurry pictures from the night.

A few weeks ago we went to the Manheim Farm Show. I picked up the girls from daycare as usual and told Malorie we were going to the farm show to see animals. She was so excited and kept saying “we are going to the farmers show”, “can we go the the farmers show”.

The girls were so excited to see the cows, sheep, miniature pony, goats, and most of all lots and lots of pigs. Kailey was pointing and “yelling” at the animals. I thought she was going to jump out of my arms and onto the animals.

We also enjoyed some yummy food from the vendors, and topped the night off with listening to the highschools drum line practice right in front of us. (Nate use to be one of the drum line instructors for the drum line). I wished I had video or pictures, but the girls loved listening to the marching band, they were dancing, clapping and running around.

All in all the night was a hit. We kept the girls out way too late, but they had a blast. Malorie still talks about, “remember when we went to the farmers show and saw horses”.