Halloween 2012 – at the mall

We ended up doing trick-or-treat at the mall. Kailey was getting over being sick and it was a chilly night. She stayed home with me from daycare, and we figured rather than not participating at all that we would play it safe and stay inside.  It was our first time trick-or-treating at the mall. An interesting experience  Not all of the stores participate. Some stores don’t give out the greatest candy either, but the girls had fun. Now when we pass the mall Malorie says she wants to go there for Halloween and get candy.

The girls got dressed out of the back of our car, as I had just picked Malorie up from daycare and we meet Nate once he was done work outside of the mall.  It worked out nicely.




A few days after Halloween Malorie and Nate carved out the pumpkin and roasted some seeds.  She loved it!