Home Sweet Home

About 3 1/2 weeks ago we began to have trouble with our well. We had to pack up and move in with my in-laws for a while because we didn’t have the money to replace the well. Thankfully Nate’s parents were willing to take us in… and allow us to live with them for 3+ weeks. Yikes, a long time to be away from home. While we were at their home Malorie and I were basically home bound due to us keeping my car at our house. For a few reasons…one major reason being that my inspection is way over due and the car is sounding funny…which could equal a lot of money, and needless to say we just don’t have it. It was amazing how the simple pleasure of getting out of the house became such an exciting thing. Who knew when my mother-in-law asked Nate to go with her to the store to get some soda I practically jumped out of my chair and volunteered to go and drive. Before maternity leave there were plenty of times when once the weekend came I tried to avoid leaving the house for errands… and I loved my time at home. Don’t get me wrong I love being at home… but being at home with the ability to get out of the house whenever is so very nice. I don’t think I will take this for granted any more.

Well, as of Friday we came back home. Thanks to family being willing to help us out to get the well replaced! Being home, in our home is amazing. We are settling back into our routine and I love it. (Though again I can’t express my gratitude enough to my in-laws who helped us out and provided us with a temporary home) Now…if I can just get Malorie on a better schedule…as far as going to sleep earlier, that would be a plus!