I’m 2!

Malorie turned two March 8, 2012! (and yes I am blogging about it months later.)

It is hard to believe that 2 years have gone by. She went from being our tiny baby, to a big sister all in the mater of 18 months and now she is 2.

Due to us living in transition we were unable to throw her the big birthday bash that I had hoped for….”Malorie’s World” ….sesame themed party.  To top that off, the weekend we had her small party We moved out of our house and into storage and I had a fever of 103. So our small birthday gathering got even smaller…..just us and Nate’s parents. We tried to make her birthday a bid deal even though I felt awful and Nate was also getting over being sick. Next year little lady you will have a big celebration.



I’m pretty sure she still had a great time and was so happy to have cupcakes and presents. 

Malorie you bring your mommy and daddy so much joy! You are so silly, loving, snuggly, strong-willed, talkative, loud, beautiful…and a true blessing from God.