Kailey Ann turns one!

Kailey’s first birthday was on September 28th and we had her party on the 29th. It’s hard to believe she is already one year. She is such a blessing to our family. She is our little love bug. Her nick name has been Kailey bug, kailey buggy boo boo, or chica bug. Kailey has such a sweet personality. She is very loving, snugly, loves books and animals. She is a super walker and wants to be doing everything her sister is doing. The sisterly love is heart warming.


We celebrated her birthday by having a small party with family and friends. We had it at Nate’s aunts church and now every time we pass the church ( which happens daily) Malorie reminds us that’s where kaileys birthday party. Thats Vics church. The birthday theme was aqua and pink with bird houses. Here are some pictures to a capture the day.