Labor of Love #2

Our baby was due September 20th. My due date came and went, and still no baby. The doctors decided to schedule for the baby to be induced. They decided on Tuesday September 27th, but we asked for the date to be moved to September 28th. I had mixed feelings about being induced. Excited knowing that our baby (girl or boy) would be here, and Nervous about being induced. I wanted to try to have a natural labor, and being induced would clearly not help that process and there is a higher chance of having a c-section when induced. Not to mention being connected to IVs.

The morning of September 28th I had to call the hospital to make sure they had beds and I could come in as scheduled. They said to come in and be there by 8. Well of course we left late saying our bye byes to Malorie and making sure Nate’s mom had everything she needed to watch Malorie. We didn’t get to Paoli hospital until 8:40, traffic was horrible.

By 9am I was hooked up to IVs for Pitocin and fluids and contractions quickly began. They gradually increased the Pitocin, making my contractions come quicker and stronger, and the doctor broke my water.  I was doing pretty well managing the pain on my own. By 3pm as the contractions got stronger and stronger and I was debating having an epidural. The nurse checked me and I was 7 cm dilated. I gave in and requested for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came and the nurse informed Nate that he had to leave the room. They changed their policy about this due to dads passing out while the epidural was being given. The doctor told Nate to give him 30-40 minutes. So Nate left the room and decided to go out and grab a bite to eat and met up with our friend Jeremy at Wendys right up the street, by this time it was roughly 3:15. The worse part about an epidural is not the needle, but rather having to sit and lean forward during contractions and having to stay completely still.  I am guessing the epidural was done about 3:30.  It wasn’t quickly after this that I was feeling a lot of pressure and feeling like I needed to push. The nurse checked me and sure enough I was complete… 10 cm. and could start pushing, but Nate was NOT back. By 3:40 I called him saying he needed to get back now! He said he was on his way. The nurse got out my camera just in case he didn’t get back in time and the doctor was joking about having a funny story to tell if he didn’t get back in time.  He made it back, everyone in position to deliver a baby and I began pushing. At 4:14 pm I delivered a beautiful baby, and found out that our baby was a girl!

Kailey Ann Palm

8lbs,  21in, 9/28/11 @ 4:14pm

Kailey’s labor was much more manageable, a lot quicker, and easier. With Malorie I had back labor, the pain for me was so much more intense. With Kailey I could breath calmly(for the most part) through the pain. Seeing that it was less than an hour from my epidural to delivery, I could have gone without the epidural. Maybe next time. =) A 7 hour labor compared to a 30+ hour labor was nice as well.

Welcome to our family beautiful Kailey Ann