Mother’s Day to Father’s Day

I have been neglecting this blog. Really ever since I have started working again (June 1st) I have not made the time to do a lot of things. In many ways I feel like a lot has changed. I have started back to work, and Malorie is growing so much. Going back to work has been a bit overwhelming to me. Functioning on a lot less sleep, and going back to mad chaos at work = stress. Thankfully I did find a daycare that I like. It is a new daycare with only one other infant close to Malorie’s age. The great thing is how much they love her and I know she is getting a lot of attention and is being cared for. So that gives me a huge sigh of relief. I think being a working mother is one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life!

I am trying to think back to Mother’s day and remember all that has happened since. So much for using this blog as a way to document Malorie’s life. Mothers Day we spent with some of the Palm side of the family. Many of them had not met Malorie, so they finally got to meet her. She was a hit of course, being the only girl cousin, great nice, granddaughter, and great granddaughter.

We spent memorial day weekend in Lancaster. Spending it with family and at a parade in Manheim (the Marching band that Nate works with marched in the parade).

As I said earlier Malorie has been growing so much. I cannot believe how big she has gotten. She continues babbling and cooing, and trying to roll over. She is such a joy, and a blessing.

We also got to spend a short weekend in VA, visiting my sister and her family and my parents. We got an opportunity to meet up with family friends for lunch as well. Malorie and her cousin Elisa had a great time together. Elisa loved reading to Malorie and Malorie had a lot to say back.

Father’s day we took Nate’s dad out for dinner. It was a nice day, and Nate’s first father’s day of course. I cannot believe it, but I didn’t get a picture of the two of them.

I will try a little harder to keep this blog more up to date.