Our little cowgirl – Malorie at 2 1/2


Malorie is now three and here I am back tracking to capture her at 2 1/2.  To be honest it is really hard to think of specific things.  At this point Malorie is 100% potty trained. She is a rock star!!!! She started daycare at Hildabrant Park City ChildCare Center at the end of August when I went back to work.   She is loving it and making new friends. She really enjoys her teachers and I feel that it is a wonderful fit.  Malorie loves Toy Story and has chosen to be a a cowgirl for Halloween.  She proudly wears her cowgirl boots any chance she can get.  Here she is trying on her Jessie cowgirl outfit that Daddy brought home. Can you see that little face beaming with pure joy. “pee-haw cowboy” as Malorie says it.  “Ride like the wind bullseye” . She is amazing, such a joy in our lives.

She is a very energetic little lady, spirited, and full of life. She is a fairly physical child, loves outside, playing with her dollies, and watching her shows.  She has a lot to stay and can be quite the little drama queen.  She is a wonderful big sister as well.