Thrash, Cradle Cap, and Baby Acne

I thought of course that my baby would be perfect in every way. And she is. I also thought that there is no way that she would get any of the normal baby health things. Well I was proven wrong. Our first well check the doctor tells us that she has thrash on her tongue. The doctor tell us that it is totally normal, and it is just a yeast infection and should heal itself. Well 2 weeks later my daughter starts getting bumps on her face. Yup, baby acne. Can I tell you how ridiculous I became over this…more like obsessed. Trying not to be a crazy mom…my husband probably would tell you I was being crazy over this. I seriously got upset that she got baby acne, and it was my hormones that caused it. And being even more ridiculous I seriously felt like I had to add it as a disclaimer when people met her. As if to say …. try to look beyond the red bumps…she still is cute…really she is… don’t you agree??!! Pictures seemed to accentuate the redness. I wanted my baby to look perfect and I was afraid that if others saw her imperfection of the acne then they wouldn’t think she was cute. Crazy I know.


Thanks to my wonderful friend, Julia, she recommended that I put breast milk on her face. And so I did, every time I nursed. It has seemed to really help. Malorie still has the acne, but it looks like it is healing. The doctor informed us that by month 2-3 it should go away. And of course she told us there isn’t anything we should do for it and it is totally normal.

I can’t believe how pathetic I became over this… but I am sure some of you have felt the same…. (i hope)