weathering the storm

With Hurricane Sandy looming over us, we were home bound like many families. Thankfully we never lost power and didn’t experience any other damage. Sunday, Nate was off work!!! With Nate working a retail job, we don’t often get weekends together. We only had Sunday together, but it was wonderful. We spent the day together. Went to Target to look for a backpack for Malorie. She didn’t love any of them so we are still “looking”. It turns out she wants the Dora backpack, so we will have to order it on line. Hopefully she doesn’t expect it to talk. We want to get one she likes, but one that is also functional so she can put her blanket and monkey in it to take to daycare everyday, so she can help carry her things…rather than Nate or I looking like bag ladies.

We then came home, took naps, and iced and decorated pumpkin cookies. Yum!




The rest of the day was spent with some good old fashion playing.



Monday, was Nate’s day off work, and turned into a family day again as my work and daycare were closed.

lots of fun of with family play time, making a shaker craft, and more playing.